Apr 24, 2013

Case Study: how to prevent Canadians from estimating postal delivery times

Every once in awhile, I like to celebrate expensive failure.

The Canada post website is a great example of a well-funded and venerable usability disaster. If the purpose of the site is to be frustrating enough to maximize incoming customer service phone calls, then thumbs up. But the site's purpose is the opposite, so thumbs down. Speaking of "down," you'll have to do a lot of scrolling down to find the one chart that will tell you how long it takes for a normal letter to get from one place to another:

The page itself is almost 36,000 pixels in height. I was going to zoom all the way out and screencap it to repost here, but even zoomed out so it's two inches wide, I'd have to stitch together about 20 screenshots.

And then there's the titles:

Nasty. Definitely nominated for worst government page.