Here are some features I'd like to see in the next version of Google's web browser, Chrome:
DOM Inspector Changes hilighted or listed somewhere
I use the "inspect element" as a portal into CSS development. So I'll go "inspect element," find the element and properties I want to change, make whatever additions and changes I want to make, and then go back to my code and implement the changes. But it's hard to remember all the changes that were made - I'll often use handwritten notes and then check each thing off as I copy new code from the inspector and paste it into my CSS.
So I want the DOM inspector to keep track of my changes.
Vertical Tabs Option
There are some fun Firefox plugins that allow you to have a vertical tab bar down the left-hand side of your screen, and this makes sense since most screens are too wide for most websites, by contrast, vertical space is at an extreme premium, and many users have too many tabs open to see any of the titles. It'd be nice to see tabs organized in a "tab tree" as well.
Font Options (so I can set paragraphs to serif text)
Many web browsers allow you to override certain web styles with your own. Sometime you have to implement "user style sheets," and sometimes it's as easy as saying "use my system fonts and colours." The only option I really want is to have paragraph text show up in a serif font so that it's easier to read. Web designers have been mislead about online typography, so they're making paragraphs in Arial, Tahoma, Lucida etc, and I'm sick of it. I know they're not going to clue in any time soon, and I'm sick of my main activity on any site (reading paragraphs) taking longer than it has to. Being able to do this in Firefox actually made me switch browsers, and I want to switch back. Just waiting for this feature.
Just give us ChromeOS!
C'mon, we'll use it responsibly! Just give us a real installer so we can start bug testing it for you!!! We want to say goodbye to our OSs and do it all in the cloud. We're savvy! We don't need further education. Just publish it plz!